Anointing Non-Emergencies Schedule by calling the parish office or emailing [email protected] or [email protected] (e.g. prior to surgery/hospitalization or for general health concerns).
At a hospital or care center you may ask a chaplain to call a priest. The chaplains have the priests' on-call phone number.
In an emergency (death is imminent): Emergency Only phone 605-464-1360
Attendance of a class is required at least one month prior to the proposed date.
This is best done PRIOR to child’s birth.
A baptism may not be scheduled until the class & all forms are complete.
Baptism Class
Outside of Yankton: Parishioners may make a private appt with
Fr. Bob Lacey (St Boniface, St. George, St. John)
Fr. Darin Schmidt (St. Leo, St. Wenceslaus or St. Vincent)
or attend the class in Yankton
Yankton - Baptism class: 4th Thursday of monthly at St. Ben (conference room is in the hallway past the restrooms)
Please pre-register for the class (you may email [email protected], mail, or drop it off)
Please contact Fr. Darin Schmidt.
The couple (not the parents of the couple) must contact him at least 6 months in advance of the intended marriage date.
A wedding date at the church will not be scheduled until after an initial meeting with a priest and cannot be reserved by staff.
Contact Parish Office. You will be redirected to our Religious Ed Director.
Contact Parish Office. You will be redirected to our Religious Ed Director.
I was asked to be a Sponsor for Confirmation:
Click Here for Sponsor Form