Registration now open! Our school and parish children have the opportunity to spend one hour per week in the atrium starting in late-October.
Cost for the year per child is $50.
Please click the above link to email us for information.
The word “atrium” actually means “portico, or porch entrance to a large house.” The Atrium was a term given to this space by Maria Montessori. It was chosen because in the ancient church, the atrium was a gathering space between the Church Proper and the street. It was the place where the catechumens, those preparing for initiation to the Church, would receive instruction.
The Atrium has a similar purpose for our children. It is a space designed to meet the spiritual and developmental needs of the child. In the Atrium a child explores prayer, liturgy, and scripture through beautiful handmade materials. This is a space that can bring a child into a closer relationship with our Lord, the Good Shepherd.
Register by emailing for more info: Johanna [email protected]
Other Levels available in the future. Not available in Yankton Parishes now: Level 2 (6-9 years old) & Level 3 (9-12 years old)